The cookies string that you obtain when you're loggin in with loginSite
User ID you want to retrieve the completion
Find puzzle informations and player's completion from an array of number IDs.
Every Puzzle IDs you want to inspect
User ID you want to retrieve the completion
Find puzzle informations and player's completion from a "pretty ID" which is a string, found in the URL of the puzzle.
The cookies string that you obtain when you're loggin in with loginSite
Puzzle's "pretty ID", found in its URL.
User ID you want to retrieve the completion
Generates a LSP token encoded in base64 from a test session Id
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
Test Session Id where the user is currently in
Generate a Session ID from a puzzle's pretty ID
The cookies string that you obtain when you're loggin in with loginSite
User ID you want to retrieve the completion
Puzzle's Pretty ID
Get user's career data.
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
Get a challenge with its public ID
Challenge's public ID
Get the Clash Of Code Leaderboard
Leaderboard's page
Leaderboar's filter
Public Handle from the CodinGamer
Get CodinGamer's achievements
User's ID
Get CodinGamer's stats and points
public ID of the player
Get the global leaderboard
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
The limit of the history. For example, a limit of 50 will return a list of 50 objects, if there are at least 50 objects
Get companies from a query
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
Query search to find the companies
Get a contribution by its id
Contribution's ID, found in the URL.
Get a file from its id
File's ID (can be referred as binary ID)
File's format. Can be profile_avatar, playground_card_cover or can also be not declared
Get the global leaderboard
Leaderboard's Page
Leaderboard's filter
Public Handle from the CodinGamer
Get the past challenges.
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
Get the pending clashes, games that wait players
Get every pending contributions, that wait to be validated
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
Pending contribution's page
Filter. Can be "ALL", "CLASHOFCODE" or "PUZZLE"
User's ID
Get the previous code of a puzzle by the puzzle ID and the language ID
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
session handle generated by others functions, such as generateSessionFromPuzzlePrettyId
Language's ID, usually its name
Get every published courses by ids provided
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
List containing every courses you want to get infos
Get CodinGamer's quest map, that you find on the homepage
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
Get schools from a query
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
User's ID
Query search to find the companies
Login to CodinGame as a CodinGamer
Account Email
Account Password
Starts a test session, used for testing the code
The cookies string that you obtain when you're logging in with loginCodinGamer
session handle generated by others functions, such as generateSessionFromPuzzlePrettyId
Generated using TypeDoc
Find every minimal puzzle progress from a user. You can also use this to get every puzzles of CodinGame
Requires to log in before.